Tuesday, February 17, 2009

so this weekend was super good:) and super long:) so yeah
obviously i forgot about my physics journal until 11:30 before its due at 12 so yah i didn't get any pictures:/ my badd...but i am thinking about physics right now and going to right my journal..so yeah we use physics everyday. like my drive home from my basketball game tonight. i could step on the pedal harder to make my car accelerate more or i could hold the pedal down at a certain height and the car would keep a constant velocity. i could read my speedometer that could tell me my instantaneous velocity (velocity at that exact moment in time) and yah. then i wanted to bump my music louder so i turned the knob on my car's volume meter and my car began to make more noise. this is relevant to the stuff we're learning now. that knob is a variable resister. i'm guessing that some how inside my car's radio that knob allows for me to make it have less resistance and cause electrons to flow through faster causing the volume to increase!!! and then the opposite way around if i turned the knob counterclockwise...chii...pretty good

Sunday, February 1, 2009

this weekend i didn't do much:/
but i did watch some episodes of Jackass on my television..they were pretty funny b/c they do some dumb stuff. in one of the stunts some of the members of Jackass wrapped one of their male body parts in tin foil and made a tip at the end. they then proceeded to stick the pointy tip of the foil into an electrical outlit. it was super funny to watch their reactions and stuff. i could imagine that it hurt A LOT!! or went numb and felt really weird or something. well the physics in this is electrons being transfered. the equations are F= kQq/r^2 as well as E = f/q = kQ/r^2. the amount of voltage coming out is PE/charge. so its 1 joule/1 columb so sometimes it isn't that bad to get shocked.. if the ratio has a big denominator. but if it has a small denominator chances are the voltage will be pretty high and the shock could be deadly or do a lot of damage. sorry i do not have a picture for this journal.lol