Sunday, February 1, 2009

this weekend i didn't do much:/
but i did watch some episodes of Jackass on my television..they were pretty funny b/c they do some dumb stuff. in one of the stunts some of the members of Jackass wrapped one of their male body parts in tin foil and made a tip at the end. they then proceeded to stick the pointy tip of the foil into an electrical outlit. it was super funny to watch their reactions and stuff. i could imagine that it hurt A LOT!! or went numb and felt really weird or something. well the physics in this is electrons being transfered. the equations are F= kQq/r^2 as well as E = f/q = kQ/r^2. the amount of voltage coming out is PE/charge. so its 1 joule/1 columb so sometimes it isn't that bad to get shocked.. if the ratio has a big denominator. but if it has a small denominator chances are the voltage will be pretty high and the shock could be deadly or do a lot of damage. sorry i do not have a picture for this

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